Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dirty tyler?

The act of shitting in a females vagina, and throwing up in it, then eating it all out. then throw it back up on her back, and rub your balls around in it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then when you complete this process, go back to your house and stick a needle in your peehole and a carrot in your butthole and do the stanky leg for approximately 12 mintues. To top it all off you stick your dick in a meat grinder. its a habit usually found in baseball players from fishersville virginia.

Yoooo i gave this bitch the Dirty Tyler Knight last night!

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dirty tyler - video


Dirty tyler - what is it?

When a guy is coming down on Molly and gives the closest animal to him quick hand job.

Man last night was crazy but this morning I watched Bruce’s dog receive a Dirty Tyler!!

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What does "dirty tyler" mean?

The guy that hasn't showered in a long time and just recently had sex with some person and still thinks it's a good idea to go down on him... Smelly , fuzzy and crunchy mess.

OMG that's the dude who made me feel like crap about asking him to wash up... When he knows he's a Dirty Tyler!!

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Dirty tyler - what does it mean?

When you get into a fight with someone and the person you fought starts to set you on fire, realises that that’s probably not the best idea. So they train a pony to bite of you wiener.

You know Harry, I did a Dirty Tyler on him.

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Dirty tyler - meaning

When you are get a blow job in the dressing room at the mall while trying on shirts. When you find one you want you cum in her mouth and she spits your load on the dressing room mirror.

I took this girl shopping and she game me a dirty Tyler

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Dirty tyler - definition

When a naked drunken person sits on a platter of chicken and it rides up their ass crack.

see also: ass chicken

Last night at the party, Jeremy did a Dirty Tyler and then tried to make me eat it!

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Dirty tyler - slang

A dirty Tyler is when a guy (Tyler) gets so drunk at a party that you can actually convince the retard he sucked another guys dick!

Yea you gave Hunter a dirty Tyler yesterday and he had a heart attack

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Dirty tyler

When one is receiving a blow job then decides to aim the load up the nostril of the blowee so they have to blow it out like a snot rocket.

Jimmy's nostrils are so big I decided to give him a dirty tyler.

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Dirty tyler

To fart in ones hand and then slap someone else directly in the face. The object of a Dirty Tyler is to do it quick enough so the slapped person can smell and taste it.

Whoever loses the bet will recieve 3 Dirty Tylers.

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