Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dick sack?

An uncircumcised penis.

" Went down the street the other day and sucked an old dudes dick for a 20 piece of crack so I could get high, and that nigga had a Burlap Sack Dick!"

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dick sack - video


Dick sack - what is it?

If you have a omega dick sack, you are a Chad

Jbirdy has an omega dick sack

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What does "dick sack" mean?

If you have an omega dick sack your mad cute and have a 30 foot dick

Jbirdy has an omega dick sack fr

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Dick sack - what does it mean?

The art of tieing a sack around your penus area until your balls drop off.

Person 1: Haha you have no bollocks ^_^
Person 2: Shutp up I had a session of dick sacking >:(

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Dick sack - meaning

A no good fuck face who you can never trust.

That priest who molested my Child is a fucking dick sack!

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