Definder - what does the word mean?

What is darkness angel?

A really evil dark haired angel that enjoys spreading misery throughout the world. All guys lust after this type of angel.

Guy: Wow there's Sam she's such an evil dark angel! RUN!

👍53 👎97

darkness angel - video


Darkness angel - what is it?

Every teens first nickname on the internet. Can be seen under different speling such as :
D@rk 4ngel
_-=DarK=-_ @NGEL

Usually used by any geek that want to look cool and tortured (see emo) but is just in lack of real life interaction.

- did you check Dark Angel profile's ?
- Die emo !

👍53 👎69

What does "darkness angel" mean?

A heavenly creature that is not 100% caucassian, as most angels are said to be. Usually female. See jessica alba.

Honey is such a dark angel; I'd worship the ground she walks on.

👍91 👎109

Darkness angel - what does it mean?

An amazing internet personality. He is really smart and talented.

All the girls love dark angel.

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Darkness angel - meaning

A really evil but highly attractive angel who enjoys spreading misery about the world. She has very dark hair. Most guys lust after them.

GUY: wow there's Sam she's such a dark angel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

👍111 👎93

Darkness angel - definition

A bad angel who brings bad luck, hate, darkness into peoples hearts,and other evil things.

The Dark Angel has brought bad luck to this place.

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Darkness angel - slang

A really awesome TV show that got cancelled prematurely.

"Jessica Alba was so hot on Dark Angel"

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Darkness angel

An exceptionally badass 80's thrash metal band from Los Angeles, California. Their music is just as heavy, if not, HEAVIER, meaner, and more intense than Slayer's music. Dynamic riffage, very fast and brutal drumming from Gene Hoglan(now playing drums for Strapping Young Lad, and pretty damn evil lyrics as well.

You just have to listen to their best album "Darkness Descends" to believe me. It absolutely owns the shit out of Slayer's "Reign in Blood."

Mark H. UrbanDictionary contributer since February 2004.

👍295 👎115

Darkness angel

A dark angel is an outcast, a person who is dark and full of bad thoughts. probobly either a savannah or eila. They have a lot of great though, they are good looking and smart. If you have someone claiming to be a dark angel, imedietly take them into your life, they will never leave u

Dark angel love

👍139 👎35

Darkness angel

This is TV'S Emily Compagno.

Emily Compagno is a dark angel!

👍73 👎15