Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dReAmGeNdEr?

Another term for fatherless. Legend has it that uttering the word will cause all fathers in a 10 mile radius to instantly disappear.

Devin: Hi, I identify as dreamgender.
Michael: Being orphaned is no joke.

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dReAmGeNdEr - video


DReAmGeNdEr - what is it?

A false gender used by dream stans. This is not a real gender, if you think it is, please refrain from speaking and/or typing, you do not deserve to be here. I myself am trans/boyflux, and I'm here to ask you to shut up, dreamgender does not exist.

Dream stan: "I'm dreamgender and I use dream/dreamself pronouns, and yes, I'm part of the LGBTQIAP+ community."
Sane person: "Kindly leave, unless you have another, valid, label (dreamsexual does not count), you are not part of the LGBTQIAP+ community and in fact you are a stain upon it. :"

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What does "dReAmGeNdEr" mean?

Mentally Damaged / Dretard

Person 1:Hi Dave! I am proud to say I'm Dreamgender!
Person 2: *Cocks gun*
Person 1: wait no

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DReAmGeNdEr - what does it mean?

someone who identifies as a ''Dreamsexual'' This is mostly used for trolling, but there are legitment people who claim to be this.

People who are Dreamgendered worship a green blob on youtube

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DReAmGeNdEr - meaning

According to a dreamsexual/dreamgender discord server (yes that is a thing apparently) the definition of dreamgender is as follows:
dreamgender: a love for dream/dream’s content/dreamSMP (the series, not his members)/all of those, to the point where it becomes your gender and a part of your identity. pronouns are dre/am/dream/dreamself
This is closely related to dreamsexuality which is defined as β€œa sexual attraction to dream/dream’s content”

Person 1: Yo…I think I’m dreamgender.
Person 2: I think you misunderstand the concept of gender and sexuality.
Person 1: Augh, what a nazi Dreamphobe!

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DReAmGeNdEr - definition

An idiot, thinking "Dream" is a fucking gender. These people are braindead and have no parents, education, or even just life.

Person: i'M dReAmgEndEr aNd iTs rEaL aNd vAlId
Person 2: Excuse me, DreamGender is fake, and invalid.
Person 2: Oh yeah? Then where is your dad and mom?

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DReAmGeNdEr - slang

DreamGenders are people who watch Dream (well known American YouTuber) while suffering from multiple severe mental disorders, including, but not limited to:
● Intellectual Disability
● Sadism
● Apotemnophilia
● Mania
● Necrophilia
● Biastophilia
● Separation Anxiety Disorder
● Dacryphilia
● Anthropophagolagnia
● Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
● Vorarephilia
● Erotophonophilia

Parent: "My child watches Dream videos most of the day, then starts drawing erotic gore paintings and writes sexually violence fanfics!"
Psychiatrist:"Unfortunately, your child is DreamGender."

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A stupid dumb*ss who doesn't know what grass is.... Like go touch it and stop using dream dream self you ain't valid and that's coming from a. Trans person

10 year old: Hey I'm dream/dream self! I am dreamgender!
Me: πŸ‘‰πŸšͺ

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Useless piece of human that's turned his favorite YTber into a gender

Gogyuwu 13 dre/am : IM A PROUD DREAMGENDER

SuperEpikChadGuy: GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!

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A person that identifies as a gender based on a popular youtuber because they want to be in the LGBTQ+ community. If you do this, get the fuck outside and touch some grass, you fatherless child.

I identify as Dreamgender and Dreamsexual
Get out you shitbag

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