Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cwag?

cwag is a combination of cool and swag made by 2 cwag people called lily & james on 5.1.22

'hey lily ur pretty cwag'
'thanks james , but ur more cwag than me'

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cwag - video


Cwag - what is it?

Cwag Cwag Cwag, Cwag Cwag, Cwag UwU.

Friend 1: Cwag UwU
Friend 2: WTF

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What does "cwag" mean?

The perfect person

Someone who is practicly perfect in every way, even correcting typos in IM like the lazier people fial to do

Cwag is so perfect

Kristin wishes she could be as perfect as Cwag

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Cwag - what does it mean?

The action of bailing or underperforming in a group task.

mike: Hey, are you going to participate in the game
daniel: Nahh, i think im going to cwag this one

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