Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cuntier?

1. a more conniving, nasty bastard in comparison
2. a stronger smelling fish

1.. Peter and Neal were both thieving little bastards, but Aaron suggested that Peter was cuntier simply because he doesn’t like his face
2. Karla had cooked a wonderful meal, to which Nicki commented “this trout is beautifully cooked with such a strong smell, much cuntier than Salmon”

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cuntier - video


Cuntier - what is it?

An overall disappointing experience

Geoff: ‘Did you have a punt on the weekend?’
Ash: ‘Yeah but I lost it all in the last leg.’
Geoff: ‘Ahh that’s no good.’
Ash: ‘Yeah. It was cuntier than a lesbian porno.’

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