Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cunt lapper?

This is from an eikaiwa lesson video of a faux-geisha teaching Japanese women how to talk dirrrty in English. (Eikaiwa means English conversation by the way)

I wonder how many women actually used these lines, and how many befuddled men lost wood after hearing that they’re a first rate cunt lapper in broken English. β€œCome on Toshi! Come on!”

Oh Toshi you are a first rate cunt lapper!

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cunt lapper - video


Cunt lapper - what is it?

an expletive -hurled, or even casually tossed, at straight jerks (mostly male) by fags.

as in "Go home and lick your mama's twat ya filthly cunt lapper"

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What does "cunt lapper" mean?

a usually offensive word for someone who lick girls vaginas, and lap up the juices from their cunt.

"Don't tell anyone about this, i don't want to be known as a cunt lapper."

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