Definder - what does the word mean?

What is coraline's?

A girl, who can be simple and sweet, and totally loving, or can be a total bitch. She's only nice to you if she likes you, and hates it when you talk to either her friends or boyfriend. She can go from sweet and nice to a total and complete bitch in less than a second.

Cody: Dude, my girlfriend is such a Coralin!
Chris: What do you mean? Is she a bitch or really nice?
Chris: Damn, you got Coralin'd. I feel bad for you bro.

👍51 👎23

coraline's - meme gif

coraline's meme gif

coraline's - video


Coraline's - what is it?

Coraline is a very unordinary she is very emotional and is a REAL scaredy-cat. She loves Roblox and will like the same guy as you. She also is depressed at some times. She takes lunch from home every day at school. To end this long thing she is a great friend and will judge you the end

Me: I did something

Coraline: I bet it was something stupid

👍45 👎19

What does "coraline's" mean?

a beautiful, sexy, and intelligent woman.. DON'T let her go once shes yours. If you have lost her already- get her back. She will prove to be the best in Every aspect.. Coralines live for romance, make stand out gestures, that's all it will take and she is yours for the taking! To get what you really want you have to take a chance- risk it all or lose it all.

I wish i would have snagged that Coraline before it was too late.

👍187 👎63

Coraline's - what does it mean?

A movie

Coraline is a movie.

👍61 👎15

Coraline's - meaning

my cat

coraline is my cat

👍87 👎19

Coraline's - definition

a bad ass movie that is so fucking cool, i loved it, it was awsome, like nightmare before christmas was too

coraline is a bad ass movie

👍711 👎173

Coraline's - slang




👍73 👎15


Coraline is a movie that nobody knows for some reason and is about an evil malicious woman who traps kids in another world and tries to sow buttons in your eyes

But Just Keep Smiling

"Is that anyway to speak to your mother."
"Oh, your Not my mother."
"Apologize at once.... Coraline."
"Ill give you to the count of three,"
" One....Two......... THREE!!!

👍29 👎11


An amazing movie from 2009 that NOBODY KNOWS FOR SOME FUCKING REASON

person 1: can we watch coraline?
person 2: what's "coraline"?
person 1: ...
person 2: what is it?
person 1: thisiswhatswrongwiththeworld

👍231 👎25


A happy children's book about a monster who lures children away from their parents with candy and games and then tricks them into having buttons sewn into their eyes and then locks them behind the mirror and eats their souls.

Thanks to Coraline, now I'm scared of mirrors and needles.

👍231 👎25