Definder - what does the word mean?

What is copyright strike?

When the MPAA(Motion Picture Association of America) and RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America) decided that a free open internet was the thing of the past and coordinated with ISP providers: Comcast, Verizon, Cablevision, Time Warner Cable, AT&T and others to act as Big Brother on your internet downloads.

Arthur: I just illegally downloaded the new Batman movie from Torrents and it looks amazing.

Greg: Dude your ISP Cablevision is going to slow down your bandwidth or terminate your account if you keep that up.

Arthur: Why?

Greg: Haven't your hear of the Six Strikes Copyright Alert System that allows your internet provider to monitor your downloads?

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copyright strike - video

Copyright strike - what is it?

Copyright strikes are warnings given to YouTubers for playing a song that is copyrighted or using copyrighted content.
A strike given to YouTubers for one of the three reasons:
- Stolen content
- Someone playing "ITS RAINING TACOS" and being an annoying little rat that you want to stomp its skull out
- Your channel being hacked and YouTube having no common sense


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What does "copyright strike" mean?

That dreaded thing you want to see on your YouTube channel. Usually, your YouTube channel gets a copyright strike by uploading a video with a copyrighted song or movie in it and YouTube takes that video down.

Dammn! I got a fucking copyright strike!

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