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What is commie sauce?

The change from Communism into the Russia's sauce because some fucker from in the system thought it was...

A.) A smart idea, that only they would think of.
B.) Or a way to give a hobo on thier government steps a good laugh.

Guy: How 'bout we prove our supreme knowledge and try make Russia look like fuckfaces at the same time?!!
Secretary: Wouldn't that be hard? After all you're sloshed, dude!

President: THE NEW Commie sauce! In a local brand-market near you! Try it and you can almost TASTE how fucking dumb our congress is!!

👍51 👎33

commie sauce - video


Commie sauce - what is it?

In the 1970s congress changed russian dressing to commie sauce because they are idiots, see freedom fries

Pass me some of that commie sauce

👍93 👎43