Definder - what does the word mean?

What is com boy?

a boy whos usually on discord 24/7 who likes to "dox" people who make him mad

boy: i just doxxed someone coz im overly sensitive!
boy2: wow i didnt know you were a com boy!

👍25 👎11

com boy - video


Com boy - what is it?

A com boy is a degenerate on discord yapping nonsense. They typically have letters in their bio and like to act edgy. They're obsessed with egirls and calling people poorons. They love to hangout in /stand and dont touch grass. They are the definition of a maou-obsessed, meat-riding loser.

maou(com boy) - hey have u heard exieez new song on spotify?

non sigma - no i have not

👍25 👎11