Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chido?

It means "cool one" (cool dude). The name comes from a Mexican actor that's what he called himself

Guy #1 Who was that guy hanging out with all the girls?

Guy#2 What you don't know him it's CHIDO ONE the coolest guy around!!!

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chido - meme gif

chido meme gif

chido - video


Chido - what is it?

Chido one is a phrase used in Mexico in order to imply that something is good, a thing, for instance. Chido is the same as to say That's Cool. The word One is the english number and means nothing, its only purpose is to make the phrase more euphonic.

Oye, eso esta chido one. Translated appears as Hey, that's cool, man

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What does "chido" mean?

As in a Chinese Guido.

Jersey is full of guidos.. so full that there are even chidos!

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Chido - what does it mean?

The nicest girl you’ll ever meet. She’s shy, cute and introverted but very smart. She doesn’t care much about what other people think because she knows her worth and she knows she is unique.

Girl: I wish my name was Chido. She’s so smart and kind.

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Chido - meaning

something that is preatty cool, but not too much.

i liked the new Metallica disc, its chido

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Chido - definition

mexican slang word for saying cool

ey esse el caro esta bien chido dawg

ey esse the car is cool dawg

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Chido - slang

A word repeated several times in a mexican conversation.
like "cool" in english

EstΓ‘ chido el nuevo disco de Interpol. QuΓ© chido les quedΓ³. Tambien estan chidas las canciones del anterior

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Cool in Spanish, as said before, but this is a MEXICAN word.. A Spanish person won't use this word unless imitating a Mexican. So; seldomly used by non-Mexican speakers.

Este carro esta buen chido wey!
(That car is really cool man!)

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has the same meaning as cool

something or person or situation that is very pleasent.

I have seen your hair, and it looks chido.

He is chido, i have been chatting with him for several hours.

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cool in spanish

I'm so chido.

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