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What is cannonfodder?

When two guys are having rough anal sex, and the top pulls out too fast, causing the bottom to explosively launch a shit into the top's face (ideally solid as to amplify the effectiveness of the round, but liquid is acceptable as well). A CannonFodder has no limit of participants; fifty-person CannonFodders are quite common in the Bulgarian underground nightclub scene. Extra points if the top shoots the shit in midair with his ejaculate.

Wow! Vince had the whole school doing a crazy-ass CannonFodder at his house last night! He's the best!

Back in my day, we used to wear goggles whenever we did a CannonFodder but goshdarnit these kids are so reckless nowadays.

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cannonfodder - meme gif

cannonfodder meme gif

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