Definder - what does the word mean?

What is c-ream?

or curry-ream (see-reem, kreem, or kuhr-ee-reem)
1. a non-standard amount of paper, composed of 500 or more
sheets, printed out in college libraries by people of
South Asian descent. This occurance takes place as a
result of the offender being unwilling or unable to
throw down $50 for a textbook. Instead, the perpetrator
will proceed to illegally download the composition from
an offshore internet site. This is always at college
libraries so that the download cannot be traced to a
personal IP address.
2. the act of printing out a c-ream; especially when it
results in a c-quire, leaving the rest of the student
body up shit creek.

note: professional c-reamers will always strike in packs,
and when the library is most crowded; so called,
"c-reaming'no grease". C-reaming is a misdemeanor
offense in 49/50 United States, excluding
Connecticut, where the act is most prevalent.

1. I just came to the library to print up a ten page study
guide, but this Indian girl has been tying up both
printers with her c-reams for 20 minutes. Look around,
everyone's pissed.
2. (some Indian guy fucking some poor college guy
bareback from behind) Ah-ha! *THRUST* c *GRUNT* reamed
*THRUST,THRUST* you *GRUNT* American *THRUST* whore!

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c-ream - meme gif

c-ream meme gif

c-ream - video
