Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brobrah?

Originating from legends of a mysterious and lost soul who would moan, "Brooo Brahhh," whenever someone would back out of a commitment they made, brobrah is a term for backing out of a commitment.

brobrahing dates as far back as the stone age, where cavemen would make commitments to go hunting with their best cavemen buddies, but would back out at the last second and brobrah the rest of the group.

Today, brobrahing is still a severe issue, as people will commit to things on facebook or through text messages and brobrah later with either no excuse, or a very poor excuse.

Examples of Brobrahing

Mike: Yo, Jake, you coming over later?
Jake: Yea man! I'll see you at 6.

~~later at 5:30pm~~

Jake: Uhh, hey Mike, I can't make it, my uhh, dog is chasing its tail or something...
Mike: What the fuck Jake! Don't brobrah me!
John: Is Jake brobrahing you?
Mike: He's brobrahing me!
Jake: Sorry man..
John: Brooo Brahhh

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