Definder - what does the word mean?

What is boneration?

Something you get in class. Fucking annoying.
Fixed by going to bathroom and wanking off, or flipping around between the pants and stomach.

I was working on an essay in English III and got a boner! GOD DAMMIT! Now I have to non-chalantly flip it up between my pants and stomach! GOD DAMMIT SOMEONE SAW ME!

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boneration - meme gif

boneration meme gif

boneration - video


Boneration - what is it?

A severe case of the boners.

Harley was ashamed to stand up in front of the audience due to his advanced boneritis.

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What does "boneration" mean?

Something that is so awesome, it can make you hard without physical contact.

That cake was so bonerizing i had to tighten my belt a notch to hide my hard on.

Dude, I got a quadruple kill in call of duty last night with a RPG and it was so bonerizing

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Boneration - what does it mean?

What occurs when blood rushes to the penis, causing it to stick up. it is also possibly the worst thing to get before a school presentation.

While I was in a school play, I got a boner.

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Boneration - meaning

Worst thing to get during school

Ah shit I got a boner *class sees it* fuck I'm screwed.

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Boneration - definition

A boner is a long, pointy joystick that guys can get while feeling aroused.

Tim saw Kayla’s boobs , *ding*! That’s right,,,, he has a boner

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Boneration - slang

a reply to just about any statement for humor or to loosen up an intense situation.

1.bob: I drunk coffee this morning

chuck: with a boner

2.tanner: I swear I am about to punch you in the face

random guy in the background: with a boner

tanner: (chuckles)...never mind

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You penis's version of a thumbs up.

*3 very sexy girls in one room*
Mark:My boner is telling me that all of them are a good choice.

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when a guy sees something he finds sexually stimulating and makes his penis become hard and he wants to fuck whatever it is

Jack: Yo you got a boner dude!

John: I know. That watermelon over there is pretty sexy
Jack: ...

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A penis that is in a state of erection

It is the man's obligation to put his boneration in a women's separation. This sort of penetration will increase the population of the younger generation.

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