Definder - what does the word mean?

What is billy talent?

The best band ever and i saw i diss down there right after the fist one posted. which is the one i put in. and if fucking hate billy talent you must have s fuckign buildup of wax in ur pop-loving ears and clean that out cuz if u dont even like billy talent a little bit u might aswell go sing with avril as she entertains little 10 year olds. thats probly what your calling in life is anyway

Stupid avril lover: WHAT!?!
Hannah: Billy Talent rules!
Stupid avril lover: oh really? all i do is poison myself with avril poison. THANKS FOR TEH ADVICE

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billy talent - video

Billy talent - what is it?

The fucking greatest rock back to come out of North America in the past decade.

Billy Talent fucking rule.

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What does "billy talent" mean?

the BEST fucking band ever, led by my sexy koala bear ben kowalewicz.. started out as pezz and became billy talent after watching hard core logo, their namesake being billy tallent.

me + billy (talent) = heaven.

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Billy talent - what does it mean?

the best band ever..they are so fucking amazing..if you don't like them then you got a problem!

billy talent rocks my socks!

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Billy talent - meaning

A band that originated from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They are a punk rock/rock band. The band consists of 4 guys. So far they have had hits such as "Try Honesty","The Ex" and "The River Below".

look them up on google.

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Billy talent - definition

one of the best fucking bands ever.

i was talking to my friend and watching fuse, when all the sudden BILLY TALENT comes out and i scream. she went to the hospital for ear damage

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Billy talent - slang

The best band to currantly walk the earth. Discovered in Canada. Also a character is the movie Hard Core Logo.

Holy shit Billy Talent is about to come on, I think I jsut messed myself

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Billy talent

Great Canadian Punk Rock group. Not another California-sounding punk band. Really great, great music, really catchy.

Formerly known as Pezz.

"Need more friends with wings
All the angels I know
Put concrete in my veins
Iā€™d always walk home alone
So I became lifeless
Just like my telephone"

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Billy talent

BEST band ever formed, it totally rocks your faces - bow down...

billy talent makes you piss your pants

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Billy talent

A great, new Canadian band, liked by literate and illiterate people alike, it appears.

Led by Ben Kowalewicz and Ian D'Sa, three of the guys in the band look strangely like guys from Sum 41, but are infinetly better.

blly talint fukin rools!

And for the people who can speak English: Billy Talent are one of the best bands from my native Canada in the last 10 years.

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