Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bigot?

The actual definition from Merriam-Webster Online is "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance". This means if a person has no tolerance for beliefs other than their own. However, in the modern day, bigot is used to refer to those who oppose social liberal agendas, but especially those who oppose gay marriage and/or think same-sex intercourse/sexual acts are immoral and should not be practiced. Also used to refer to Christians.

Rational Person: I think that Al Qada could qualify as bigots. They killed 3,000 American civilians and the World Trade Center because we don't conform to their beliefs.

Liberal: What!? You don't approve of gay marriage. You are obviously a bigot and oppose it for no reason other than hate for gay people.

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bigot - meme gif

bigot meme gif

bigot - video

Bigot - what is it?

1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people. Examples include anti-semites, homophobics, racists, religious extremists of any religion.
2) adj. bigoted: A bigoted person is one who is a bigot. Can also be used to describe an opinion.

1) I hate bigots.
2) Joe: Stupid niggers, always stealing my stuff.
Me: That's a bigoted opinion, you bigot.

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What does "bigot" mean?

Once defined a person who showed disrespect toward or intolerance of the existence of people with differing views, ethnicities, backgrounds etc.
Now defines anyone whose beliefs or views contradict your own, particularly they're religious or lean right politically.

Person 1: "Can you believe that person? They have views that they believe to be true, which by definition excludes contradictory views and considers them false! What a close-minded bigot!"

Person 2: "Wait a minute, are you claiming their views to be incorrect/false? By your own logic, doesn't that also make you a bigot?"

Person 1: "...Logic? What's that?"

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Bigot - what does it mean?

Term used to describe anyone who have a different opinions than yours.
It's just a form of Ad hominem rethoric attack, used by people who can't do a form proper counterargument with good points or justifications.

Real life story case;
Subject 1 (trans MtF): I am so happy! we finally can enter Olympic sports versus other woman’s like us! Uwu
Subject 2: Uh… to be fair, your muscles, lungs and heart are still bigger than natural woman’s... there's a clear advantage you know?
Subject 1 (trans MtF): YOU BIGOT! TRANSPHOBIC POS!
Subject 2: You asked my opinion…

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Bigot - meaning

A word used predominantly by liberals to describe those who do not share their same opinions, ideas, and/or beliefs. The word "racist" is usually used in the same sentence.

That guy with the confederate flag is such a racist bigot!

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Bigot - definition

Oxford Concise: One who holds irrespective of reason, and attaches disproportionate weight to some creed or view. - Originated in the 16th Centuary

In other words, a bigot is someone who's intolerant and prejudice, whether it be to another person's quality (gay, jewish, foreign, etc.) or to their way of thinking.

He/she is a bigot
He/she is performing an act of bigotry
He/she bigoted

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Bigot - slang

Anyone winning an argument with a liberal.

"Guns kill people!"
"People have been killing people long before guns were invented."
"Fuck you, you racist sexist bigot!"

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The term bigot means to be willingly ignorant or intolerant of another person's beliefs or opinions.

Bigotry is an accusation, which is often used by liberal and marxist types to condemn those people who are not of the same "tolerant" or "open minded" attitude as themselves.

By using this term they create what I call an infinite loop of intolerance.

If someone is accused of bigotry then the accusing party must also be intolerant of the accused persons intolerance; therefore, it is self evident that the term bigot in a sense, can not actually exist in a free society or open debate because of it's self-destructive, self-imploding and hypocritical nature.

We must put an end to bigotry by criminalizing any dissenting point of view.

Real life application of this "anti-bigotry" includes hate laws, which are no more than Orwellian type "thought crimes".

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A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

Bigot: Caitlyn Elizabeth Higgins

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far right conservatives

hey do you see that bigot? he clearly hates the trans community

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