Definder - what does the word mean?

What is big HAPPY?

a term used when people are really happy about something. ussually used by people who are not fluent in english, like me.

person: i just won 100.000 dollars, im excittis, excites, verrry heppy.
me: no, you are the big happy

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big HAPPY - video


Big HAPPY - what is it?

having a massive boner

I got a real big happy today in front of the class. #embarresassed

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What does "big HAPPY" mean?

Itโ€™s when your the opposite of little happy so your big happy

Hey dad can we go to Steak N shake? No, weโ€™re going to McDonaldโ€™s is that ok? Ya Iโ€™m still big happy

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