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What is bebo stalking?

When your boyfriends ex isnt over him and goes on your bebo page to see what you guys have been up too, Then reads all your comments to see what there about and reads yours friends pages incase there might be some top goss on those to.

Chris: Sabah txted me asking if we are trying for a baby
Vicky: ew has she been bebo stalking mine and jennas page again? What a manure sack of balls
Jenna: Fuckng aye!

👍41 👎17

bebo stalking - video


Bebo stalking - what is it?

A bebo stalking is the act of regularly checking up on friends/ex-girlfriends/co-workers in order to see who they are dating, chatting to, or just to see if they mention them (the stalker) in conversation.

The worst bebo stalking then involves messaging or texting the victim to harass them for their beboing activites.

Paul: The ex was texting my phone at 3am again last night, hassling me about my new girlfriend.
Andy: Who told her? We haven't even seen her. She must be bebo stalking you again, my friend.

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