Definder - what does the word mean?

What is babbey?

The most attractive guy in the world. Big heart and a great smile. Sometimes a dick but he’s pretty so I guess it’s fine:)
Always makes you laugh

Has great hands

Woah who is that guy over there??
That’s Babbey

👍25 👎11

babbey - video


Babbey - what is it?

Usually a tallish person. One of the biggest introverts you will ever meet in your entire life. Most people read it as ‘baby’ but they are far off. Usually a really nice person. You are lucky if you get to have a Babbey. They are usually the mom of the group and will set you straight.

Person: Hey BABBEY, what’s up?
Babbey: *runs away in tall*

Sam: *hurts Rylee*
Babbey: *yeets Sam*

👍33 👎13