Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bLAR?

an overwhelming monstrosity of a human being who's diet consist of foraging for the greasiest of fast food concoctions.

that blars is going to town on that 7 pound bean burrito

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bLAR - meme gif

bLAR meme gif

bLAR - video


BLAR - what is it?

A person who puts guacamole on French fries. (Specifically at McDonald's.)

He is such a blar.

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What does "bLAR" mean?

A combination between Blah and Raar. Used to express a frustrated bordem.

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BLAR - what does it mean?

One who rapes teddy bears. See

That sicko is a blars!

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BLAR - meaning

Informal word used instead of crying. Pervailent in rural parts of the U.K including Norfolk.

Stop blarring and dry your eyes

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BLAR - definition

1. Said in case of supreme boredom.
2. Announced in extreme irritation.

Background: A spelling error made by a fifteen year old female from long island in the early morning hours when she misspelled the word 'blah' to a friend through an instant message.

"I'm still sick. Blar!"

After having watched TV for hours without any interruption and still having no social interraction whatsover for said hours: "Blar. This is boring."

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BLAR - slang

an universal expression used to indicate a feeling, sentiment, response, or question.
Similar to the expression 'blah', with more power. 'blah' has a soft ending, while 'blar' has a more pronounced annunciation. Also, 'blah' usually is an association of a sentiment like 'whatever', 'blar' is not restricted to single context usage.
'blar' can be applied in any context. Differentiating the meaning is dependant on the timing of the word, the tone, and or body language used to convey it.

q: "How do you feel right now?"
a: *shrugs shoulders* "blar"
q: "What do you think of that?"
a: *blank look on face* "It's blar."
a: "So I told her what I thought."
q: *puzzled look* "blar?"

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Blar is an abbreviation of the word "Hablar". There is a pact/tribe called the "Blar Brothers", it was first established around June of 2012. Blar can literally be used in any sentence at anytime. You can use it any way you would like especially if you are frustrated, joyful, sad, angry, bored, scared, happy, or confused. It is very addictive and very contagious. When you use it most people won't know what the blar you are talking about. It can be used as a substitution of a swear/cuss word. It can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective.

(used when upset, frustrated, or excited)
Holy Blar!
Holy Blarring Blamos!
What the blar?
Are you blarring me right now?
Are you being forblar?
How the Blar? What the Blar?
Are you Blarring my Blamos?
Dude, I'm so blarred right now.
"He's so blarring gay."
Yeah Blar.
Hello Blar.
Bye Blar.
C'ya Blar.
You look like a Blar.
"Where you going?" " Just going to blar."
I'm here to blar things up.

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Blar is everything and nothing. The beginning and the end. The first and the last. You say it when you're bored. You say it for no reason. You say it for all reasons. You say it in the middle blar of a sentence. Do YOU blar?

Basically blar means anything and everything. It has many uses. you can say it when you are bored or for no reason. it is a noun, and adjective, and a verb.

Some may call it a cuss. you may. it is whatever you want it to be.

blar! (as said in frustration/excitment)
blar you
that's blar
what the blar
holy blar!
holy blarring blar!
oh blar!
blar it!

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uhhh... kinda like, uhmmm...

"blah, blah, blah"

except used most often by Dutch chicks from NW Iowa.

"Mr. Bush said in his e-mail, ... 'blar, blar, blar' ".

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