Definder - what does the word mean?

What is b.v?

Its a place where a bunch of Faggets live. They all go to montgomery high school. Every body smokes dos in B.V. The moosedom is also located here; where the local moose lives. A nice place to to stop in for a fresh cold mountain breeze and some easy mac. If you wanna chill with stuck up fags then come to the Bennett Valley in Santa Rosa.

Kick it in the B.V tonight.

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b.v - meme gif

b.v meme gif

b.v - video


B.v - what is it?

B.V- beastiality vore the act of raping someone while a bear eats you.

ā€œOh I heard that he liked B.Vā€

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What does "b.v" mean?

B.V. is an abbreviation for "Bacterial Vaginosis" or; more commonly "Bad Vagina" Often characterized by a strong putrid odor eminating from said vagina, and a thick cottage cheese like secretion.

Dude, that chick was hot last night, but when I went down on her, she had the worst fucking B.V. ever!

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