Definder - what does the word mean?

What is asheville?

Asheville, NC is the mountain town of OZ. You move to Asheville to get away from douche-bag types who brag about mediocre country club memberships while watching duck dynasty w/ annoying suburban soccer-mom wives embroidering every stitch of clothing in the house. Here the Southerners are hip and progressive...not boring, backward or prudish. Here people read books, appreciate architecture and eat at Wholefoods, not Golden Corral. Here people respect humans of all colors, familial status, sexual orientations and ethnicity...religion here is about love, not discrimination. Diversity, Creativity, Art and Music are celebrated and instead of a police-state like much of the South, here the police are your helpful neighbors. These Southerners have an honest friendliness, they are not narrow-minded or bigoted and they love to hike, ski, fish, dance, and eat well. People in Ashville go to Europe on holiday...not Panama City Beach. Asheville attracts a better class of human being celebrating life in a kaleidoscope of art and song.

Once I moved to Asheville, NC I was ruined, I knew I could never live in Macon, Georgia again.

Living in Asheville, NC feels more like Colorado than North can we get people in Breck to move to Boone.

👍41 👎27

asheville - meme gif

asheville meme gif

asheville - video


Asheville - what is it?

The more ghetto part of Asheville. Full of public housing, hippies, and mexicans. Also known as "lil tijuana". Lately its become more upscale, and is now known for the shops on haywood rd.

That hoe was from west asheville, girl she lives up in pisgah view.

👍37 👎21

What does "asheville" mean?

Worst Asheville is the western part of Asheville North Carolina commonly known as West Asheville. Worst Asheville mainly consist of run down buildings with bums and whores hanging out if front of them.

Worst Asheville is not the place you want to live or even visit.

👍43 👎15

Asheville - what does it mean?

You have to live in the city of Asheville, North Carolina for this to apply. Getting Ashevilled describes when you were trying to have anything done with your home especially. It is when you expect someone to come out and give you an estimate and they don't show up, when they do show up and say they'll send you an estimate but you never get it, or when they show up and give you an estimate, but they still don't show up to do the work.

I was expecting someone to come over and give me an estimate for my leaking roof. I called three people and none of them have shown up. That sucks. We just call that getting Ashevilled. You'll get used to it.

👍25 👎11

Asheville - meaning

The given name to the effect that moving to Asheville, NC has on any unknowing individual. It completely reverses high hopes and aspirations into a complete and total acceptance of mediocrity. The unknowing victim is completely ok with this transformation

Only those who have moved away understand its effects and become immune to the curse.

I had a 3.5 GPA in high school and acceptance to college, but I think working at Office Max for the rest of my life is fine with me. I have succumbed to the Asheville Curse.

👍329 👎101

Asheville - definition

Where a couple is polyamorous until one partner actually has sex with another partner. Then heads roll.

"Yeah, they said they had an open relationship, but it was Asheville Polyamory."

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Asheville - slang

When someone ODs on fentanyl and has to be woken up using Narcan.

Imagine this family walking around downtown Asheville:

Kid: "Look ma', the man is sleeping on the ground and drooling on himself"
Mom: "Yep, he's taking an Asheville nap!"

They then keep walking.

👍27 👎11


Not what it seems. Tourists have no idea, in fact pretty much anyone who has been there for less than 10 years has no idea. It is not downtown and Haywood Rd. It is not somewhere that is friendly to the ignorant or worthy of your trust or assumptions. But it is a great place full of great people if you are either #1 a visitor and real about it, or #2 that you, yes you, are also from the area or have equivalent local experience (at least 10 years, likely 15+). And we know when you're lying so just don't even try. If you flex native on a local you'll get robbed blind and you won't even know it happened you stupid asshat. But if you start thinking about moving away after moving here, you'll find out you can't move away because the quartz, uranium, leylines in the ground, fairly decent drugs, amazing outdoors, wonderful people and culture, and eventual ignorance of what you thought Asheville was, are the things that actually keep you around. At this point, you're fucked. Abandon your dreams for a halfway decent reality.

Asheville is pretty dope, y0

👍37 👎17


The biggest city in Western North Carolina. Asheville is home to some of the most liberal people in the South. Despite having a reputation for poor drivers, homosexuals, and potheads, Asheville is a really cultured place. If you can look past the Biltmore House, Asheville has a lot of very cultural things to do that can change the way you think. A djimbe drum circle meets every Friday in downtown Asheville at Pritchard Park, until it gets too cold. Downtown Asheville is the best part of the city, with many locally owned shops and restaurants lining the streets. Local musicians are plentiful, regularly showcasing their talents to the passerby. Asheville has some of the most diverse music and musicians in the region. Tourists frequent the city for the beautiful scenery, the Biltmore House, and to experience the culture that is Asheville. I wouldn't want to live in Asheville for long, but it is worth spending some time there.

Ever been to Asheville, Fred?
No Jim. What is it like?
It was cold and quaint, but the music was great!

👍597 👎411


The best city in Western North Carolina. It is totally different from any city in the South. Hippies and Rednecks come together to make this city what it is. It is also known as A-Ville or Ca$hville.

Hey man want to go to the drum circle in downtown Asheville?

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