Definder - what does the word mean?

What is antifascist?

A homophobe. Someone who hates homosexuals, is irrationally afraid of them, is against them and wants to remove them from existence. A type of person who should not exist themselves.

Homo is short for homosexual, a contraction referring to a sexual orientation where attracted to the same (homos) sex.

Phobe comes from Greek to indicate that something repels, opposes or is repelled from something else. Anthropomorphically it refers to reactions such as fleeing in fear and panic, opposite of attraction. It can be used synonymously with anti. To be phobic homosexuals or homosexuality is to also be anti homosexual and anti homosexuality (against).

Fascist derives from the Italian 'fascio' which is the same as the archaic English term faggot meaning multiple lengthy items of the same type (homogenous) bonded together into a bunch as though one. It is now slang to refer to homosexuals. This is distantly related to the concepts expressed by a sausage fest or gay train. -ist makes the term similar to faggot(ry/ed).

Thus we have antifaggotry or faggotphobic. We can replace faggot with homo'. Now we have homophobic.

Antifa, short for antifascist meaning homophobe, routinely gang up to go gay bashing, though they are not very good at it. They routinely attack men wearing red baseball hats assuming they must have voted for a man and that therefore they must be gay. In reality neither their clothing nor their voting habits have a meaningful connection to their sexual orientation.

Dave: Did you hear what happened to Jack?
Steve: No. What has he done this time?
Dave: He has been arrested for a hate crime after beating up a gay man.
Steve: I always suspected he was an antifascist.

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