Definder - what does the word mean?

What is

A dating website for people with alternative lifestyles and interest in BDSM/kinks. It is not free. To reply to messages and view profiles, you have to pay about $19.95 a month. This website is full of romance scammers and fake profiles who try to persuade you in purchasing a membership. Don't even bother with this.

Happy male kinkster on : I have had 10 women who sent me messages the first day I signed up!
His smart friend: Those are black men in Africa using women's photos and they only want your credit card information. Do you really think an attractive woman would make the first move??

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loading - what is it?

used by Lisi Harrison in her Clique Series, its a word that is used to describe someone with an alternative or different style.

Massie: EHMAGAWD! Layne's friend Heather is so!

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