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What is a Red Flag?

this mf

red flag

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a Red Flag - video


A Red Flag - what is it?

1) Traditional symbol of socialist resistance.

2) in an Orwellian reversal, also the song sung by Blair and his cronies at Labour Party Conference

Red Flag (song), Blair version:

We'll suck up to the ruling class
We'll fuck the workers up the ass
And just to show that we're sincere
We'll sing the Red Flag once a year.

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What does "a Red Flag" mean?

Verb: The state of a book or magazine after someone brings it into the bathroom with them, generally when dropping a deuce.

Dude, don't put that gun magazine back on my desk, you just red flagged it.

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A Red Flag - what does it mean?

A 'red flag' is a term used to describe when somebody has a feeling that they are potentially dealing with a manipulative and/or possibly psychotic or sociopathic individual. It's usually used to explain a feeling after the fact.

He didn't like Louis Tomlinson, I should've seen that red flag.
He dislikes Louis Tomlinson, you can't ignore that red flag, you have to drop him.
Stream defenceless, that is not red flag

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A Red Flag - meaning

Krow and Casey

Fuck you guys

Krow and Casey are the biggest red flags I’ve ever seen

Did you hear what krow said about Casey in art class? Major red flag

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A Red Flag - definition

Stopping what you're doing because because something has made the environment unsafe. Derived from the racing flag that is used to stop a race because of unsafe conditions.

"We're red-flagged at this gas station because it's snowing too hard for us to be able to go on."

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A Red Flag - slang

a bad sign of what’s to come

I think the first red flag was when my supposed date started lying to me a lot.

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A Red Flag

1. a warning sign

2. subject to a warning

A funnel cloud is a red flag for the formation of a tornado.

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A Red Flag

A 'red flag' is a term used to describe when somebody has a feeling that they are potentially dealing with a manipulative and/or possibly psychotic or sociopathic individual. It's usually used to explain a feeling after the fact.

It was a red flag when she told me that she had four kids from four different men.

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A Red Flag

a sign or warning of any impending danger, disaster or doom

when my gf called me up that day and gave me the "we need to talk" line, a red flag obviously came up and I figured I'd soon be on the outs with her.

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