Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Zergrush?

Actually a misnomer for a Zergling Rush, Zergrush refers to a tactic in which a player of StarCraft attempts to overrun an enemy with large masses of weak units (See Zergling) so early in the game that the enemy has not had enough time to properly defend himself. Can also be used to describe any occasion in which a person is swarmed something (i.e. animals, mobs, bills) and are completely unprepared.

I just lost to a Zergrush 2 minutes into the game. :(

Wow poor Lindsay Lohan; the paparazzi completely Zergrushed her.

👍67 👎23

Zergrush - video


Zergrush - what is it?

A tactic relying on the zergs extremely fast build rates and the absurd cheapness of zerglings (a zergling is sorta a insect dog) basically you build like crazy churn off zerglings then bury the enemy under a tide of weak and feeble bugs,
very unsporting.

"screen full of zerglings, damn you rushing bastard ..."

👍359 👎87