Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yendys?

The Name Sidney Spelled Backwords

Sidney spelled backwards is Yendis, and if you say it out loud, it sounds really funky or nasty !!

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Yendys - video


Yendys - what is it?

A beautiful girl that loves to talk and chill.
She likes sports and loves to have fun.
Also really adorable :

That really hot girl walking across the street has GOT to be Yendy.

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What does "Yendys" mean?

A powerful girl lots of people love , usually popular in class/school . She is mean but kind . A mentally unstable person who have no thoughts on asking for help

Yendi is so hot

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Yendys - what does it mean?

Female name meaning "Wonderful Life".

Yendis was doing the YoYo around town, she was very popular!

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Yendys - meaning

Simply just β€œSydney” backwards

Mike: Whats β€œSydney” backwards? Luke: β€œYendys”

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