Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yatoism?

Yatoism is a religion that is taking the United States by storm
People who follow this religion believe that the Great "Yato Da God" is their only god.
Another name for these followers are Yatoites

Yatoism is awesome! he treats us so well.

👍25 👎11

Yatoism - video


Yatoism - what is it?

Yatoism is the belief of those who believe that Yato ( From the Anime Noragami) is their only God in their life. Those who worship Yato are called ' Yatoites' . He, presently , considers himself as a God of Fortune but was previously a God of war, Calamity and Depravity.

" I believe in Yatoism, The most superior religion in the Anime world!"

👍227 👎11