Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ya so?

So's ya face, abreviated from 'So is your face' can be used to comeback any insult in any situation. It's origins are the comedy Scrubs. But has now spread through the UK and is highly effective at confusing those of low intellect during their attempts of ripping.

Punk: "I'll smash you in!"
You: "So's ya face."
Punk: "Wha....."

Beware getting into the IQ -10 paradox

A: "(insult)"
B: "So's ya face"
A: "Ya mum"
B: "So's ya mum's face"

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Ya so - video

Ya so - what is it?

this is used as a vicious clap back that is guaranteed to destroy your opponentโ€™s argument. or it can be used to simply annoy people

Numb Nut 1: you know we got 1 minute to get to class right?
Numb Nut 2: ya so
Numb Nut 1: weโ€™re all the way across campus
Numb Nut 2: ...
Numb Nut 2: ya so

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