Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Xenophon's?

Xenophon is the real deal. A big heart with am even bigger cock makes everyone, especially ladies, love him. He is an alcoholic from the age of 17 and doesn't feel like quitting. he usually is a party animal with a huge love for drugs. despite his partying side though he is loving and loyal and can make every girl beg for him. 10/10 the best you ever had

"are we going out tonight babe?"
"no I would rather go to Xenophon's party than hang out with you"

Oh my god Xenophon's gonna be with us today. I shouldn't let my girl get near him

👍25 👎11

Xenophon's - meme gif

Xenophon's meme gif

Xenophon's - video


Xenophon's - what is it?

The origin of such word is Greek for "strange voice."

This term has come to mean the following:
A major tool.
A shady individual.
A failure or newb.
Someone who has low self esteem and intelligence.
Someone who stabs friends in the back for the phat lewtz.

That guy is such a fucking Xenophon.

👍157 👎153

What does "Xenophon's" mean?

An Ancient Greece philosopher, and soldier. Xenophon was much more reasonable than Socrates on pretty much every issue, and his thoughts were grounded in reality. Thankfully from Xenophon we can actually understand the realities of Ancient Greece, rather than have to rely totally on the wild ramblings of Socrates, which were plagued with hyperbole and pedophile tendencies.

Xenophon > Socrates

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