Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Woy Woy?

The world's largest above-ground Cemetary. AKA The Hole.

Woy woy's a hoo-oole! *claps*

👍75 👎43

Woy Woy - video


Woy Woy - what is it?

The land of the mad cunts. You can’t walk 5 metres without hearing “Oi got a spare ciggie cunt”. There’s usually 14 year old eshays hanging around umina park with their tns and nautica hats. People that go to BWSC always end up being mad dogs that rely on Centrelink. There’s always Gatorade bongs on the roads.

Bryce - “Oi did you know that damo went to brissy Waters Woy Woy ”
Dylan - “ohhh he must be a mad cunt then”

👍27 👎13

What does "Woy Woy" mean?

1) A place on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia.

2) An Aboriginal word meaning "Deep Water".

3) A certain type of slapper that comes from Woy Woy, that frequents the Sydney rave and nightclub scenes and whose primary goal is to sleep with as many DJ's and promoters as possible.

Woy Woys are often unsuccessful, but as the attack method is using massive numbers of approaches to several different people, occasionally some promoter or DJ wang is achieved - though no one ever admits it and regrets it the next day.

Woy Woy is trying to fuck another DJ. That's the third one this week...

👍109 👎53