Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Woog?

the act of being under the influence of dextromethoraphine causing a hallucinagenic state

man iam wooging my dick off

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Woog - meme gif

Woog meme gif

Woog - video


Woog - what is it?

The act of getting with someone that one finds attractive of the same or the opposite sex.

"Betty, who you wooging?"
"Oh, I'm not wooging anyone."

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What does "Woog" mean?

WOOG - v. 1. Having to deal with, or put up with, something that is unpleasant.

I can't go to the beach party, I have woog with my in-laws from out of town all day.

I am exhausted from woogin' around with my neurotic Mother on the phone tonight.

Stop woogin' with your ex, and meet someone new.

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Woog - what does it mean?

to punch a bitchass punk in the face

woogs gonna fuck u up

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Woog - meaning

the upper arm fat that hangs down, and makes a jiggily motion when an overweight person waves at you.

"That girl does not need to wear a tanktop, her WOOG is hanging out."

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Woog - definition

Gay or homosexual. To engage in homosexual acts.

Dude, stop being so woog. What are you doing? Tryna woog me?

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Woog - slang

A massage technique very similiar to cross fiber friction.

I pulled a muscle in my lower back yesterday. Would you mind wooging it a bit?

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The sound a log produces.

"As I was walking through the forrest, I heard something go "woog woog," and I knew the sound came from the log that I had just passed."

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being very cool, the ultimate

That kid is real woog

This place is super woog

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a rare creature often found in the forests of the NorthEast. Rarely seen outside its natural habitat often causes the term "a Woog siting" to be spoken.

Is that one over there? I believe it is.... THE WOOOOOOOG!!!

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