Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wlad?

the welsh national anthem (don't even think about the other one). translates as "land of my fathers. a completely badass song that they are extremely proud to belt out at the top of their voices

oh did you hear the welsh national anthem, the way they sang it at the world cup...

"mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi..." (the old land of my fathers is dear to me)

... putting the americans to shame, who were just mumbling?

"GWLAAAAAD!!" (country)

yeah, that's exceedingly cool

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Wlad - meme gif

Wlad meme gif

Wlad - video


Wlad - what is it?

A unkown being that came to earth. He enjoys doing naughty furry things to himself.

Me - Hey look at this website.
User - Oh… Isn’t that Wlad?
Me - Oh. I didn’t notice, Well let’s move on.

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What does "Wlad" mean?

Wlad (sometimes written as Vlad) is an amazing guy that everyone loves and nobody hates. Wlad is everyone's favourite person and if you don't have a Wlad in your life you are the unluckiest person in the world. Wlad is an all round great guy who is good at everything and has a huge penis. Everyone who knows Wlad wants to be close to him. Boys want to be him girls also want to be him.

Wlad: Exists
Everyone: Jesus fuck Wlad you're the coolest guy in the world.

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