Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Westdale?

A shitty village in Hamilton, Ontario where a super cool guy named Naaman lives.

"Yo did you hear about that cool guy named Naaman"
"Ya he lives in Westdale"

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Westdale - meme gif

Westdale meme gif

Westdale - video

Westdale - what is it?

A completely doodoo school that totally needs to be set on fucking fire.

โ€œBro today there was another fucking fight โ€
โ€œWelcome to Westdaleโ€
โ€œMore like Westjailโ€

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What does "Westdale" mean?

A shitty school that needs to be shut down. No one who goes there likes it because they spend so little money making the school a nice learning environment. If you go there you are either a complete idiot/bitch or you enjoy the school slightly. There have been many suicides there because of the staff not giving a shit about bullying.

I hate going to Westdale. I'd rather die than do back to Westdale next week.

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