Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wero?

a word explaning a really long and boreing conversation you might have with a friend over msn about jerk ass boys :) It could also be another word for "you just lost the game". wich would totally suck knowing that we havent lost the game in ages.

long and boreing conversation:

Esther: yeah, so Terrance is sexy. Idc what he calls you.
Lia: yeah, well its just one of those things that you couldnt forget about.
Esther: what ever...

"you just lost the game"

Esther: so... you like sports?
Lia: HA! i guess. but.. why are you making such a scene? everyone's watching you, you look rediculous right now.
Esther: you just--WERO

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Wero - meme gif

Wero meme gif

Wero - video


Wero - what is it?

a sweet, kind, and super fun person, who always is up for a game :)

"you have a new friend? what's their name? it's wero? consider yourself lucky, they're the nicest kind of people!!"

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