Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Weird stuff?

When a woman

Likes putting items male or female partners


Careful with whom youโ€™re working the sheets with.. never know when theyโ€™ll pull a quick one on you..


A representation of ( Weird Butt Stuff )

โ€œOh my god.. get that toy train out of me.. no Thomas no!!โ€
(Buttstuff the act of being penetrated by a foreign object) -NAC

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Weird stuff - video

Weird stuff - what is it?

A sexual preference that is usually not abusive or harmful but just very kinky and weird. Often times involving unusual toys, positions, or settings.

- having sex while watching "Shrek is love, Shrek is life" on repeat.

- "Jenny is into the weird stuff, so I think we are going to try covering our selves in whipped cream with a strap on while hanging upside down from the ceiling."

- often times the results of having sex during a crazy trip.

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