Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Water?

this liquid which is drinkable and has no calories

Person1: hey jared iā€™m thirsty but on a diet
Person2: Did you try water yet Mike? It has no calories!
Person1: Water? Count me in!

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Water - meme gif

Water meme gif

Water - video

Water - what is it?

The element that we all need to survive. It is one of the most important substance known to mankind which can sustain lives. Freezes at 0 degree celsius and boils at 100 degree celsius. It is used for drinking, showering, farming, transport etc. Also tastes the best when drank at 3am.

Damn lemme get that sip of water

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What does "Water" mean?

An abundant liquid that is very addicting. Everyone, including Chuck Norris, need this type of particular chemical in them, daily. Water is consist of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It's very addicting compare to other drinks. Alcohol comes in second against the legendary water. No one can survive without this common "chemical." Water is an essential part of life. Our body is made up of 98% of this addicting chemical. Water can be either sell legally or illegally.

**Diffy EQ**
David: Dr. Tang, may I get a drink of water.
Dr. Tang: No.
David: I need my common daily chemical or I'll die.
Dr. Tang: Sure.
**David at Chick-fil-A**
David: I want the ultimate meal.
Manager: Alrighty, what would you like to drink?
David: Water...the essence of life...
Manager: But you get free coke with "the ultimate meal."
David: God dammit sir! I just want my water!

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Water - what does it mean?

Its drinkable gladly

I drank water. I survived

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Water - meaning

it's the "wettest thing in the world "

Dude I drank so much water last night it was so wet. Yeah I got "water" last night too.

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Water - definition

It's Just A Snowman Blood

The Water Is Drying

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Water - slang

The 4th element required to summon Captain Planet



By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

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Sweet nectarine made by the gods

Billy: damn this water is good
Bob: yeah , too good
Joe: yumm

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The best drink in existence

Can I have a glass of water please

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North Side slang for crystal methamphetamine

Conejo: Carnal: Mad heads be askin' for water and no one's got any of that shit!

Delito: Patience mijo! That shit's still wet and it's gotta sit! It's gonna be here tomorrow. Give 'em some of that moon stuff for the time being.

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