Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WISELY?

To have swag without looking/acting like a douchebag
To be smooth and clever
To have immense class

To be cool/fashionable

May refer to a person, group of people, clothing, or other material possesion

Synonyms: Cool, Classy, Unique, Charming, Dashing, Fly, Fashionable

"Damn. That guy is wise as fuck."

"Those are some wise ass shoes, man"

"That band is wise."

"John's new motorcycle is so wise."

👍91 👎91

WISELY - meme gif

WISELY meme gif

WISELY - video


WISELY - what is it?

A combo of ICE And FIRE.

He might look a flirto but when you meet him personally he is an honest man. He always comes up with some goals, plans and ideas.

He never gives up easily on anything and anyone or even if he does it's for some good cause.

The smart one who pretends to don't know any shit but actually the bossy one .


Lastly, he is wise as his name.


Be wise as wisely.

👍29 👎11

What does "WISELY" mean?

Stranger Things character, Will Byers’ fictional Cleric character whom he plays as during games of Dungeons & Dragons with his friends. Will The Wise loves nothing more than D&D and insists on being called by his full name.

Will... I mean... Will The Wise... is the best cleric I’ve ever seen!

👍25 👎13

WISELY - what does it mean?

very clever man

this kid is wise

👍211 👎141

WISELY - meaning

(adj.) Being full of wisdom; wise application of knowledge to the fullest degree; complete in wisdom; full to overflowing with wisdom; frickin' awesome-sauce.

That was a wiseful breakfast with Dallas Willard. He's just so gosh darn full of wisdom.

Yoda. 'Nuff said.

👍49 👎21

WISELY - definition

An older guy who pretends he knows-it-all but you realize he dont know shit. All mouth. Example: Fat IT guy at work who fucks up your 'puter so you cant get on YouTube.

{whistle} yo, wisely, you fucked up the innernet. I ought to chiff yo tin ass.

👍89 👎45

WISELY - slang

1. being of greater smartness than those surrounding you

2. Being of wise ancestors

3. What you say when you forgot the word "wisdom"!

1. Ya' know that I got some more wiseness than all ya'll dumb asses put together!

2. My great grandpa was really smart; I ended up with all of his wiseness!

3. Damn I'm so smart, I got some good "wiseness"!

👍37 👎13


Really good to be reminded not to get attached to the external world, to remember the teachings and to keep focused on what is more important than getting caught in cycles of patterned thoughts and reactions that aren't necessarily doing much for you.

The old man was wise.

👍389 👎143


when someone is wise it means they know whats going on
they see deeper then you
you usually go to these people for answers
but they are always there

"hey omg i just got the best advice from that wise kid over there"

👍839 👎223


To be wise is to see things clearly by connecting pieces together like a puzzle to see the big picture. Typically people who are wise have a GOOD sense of their world around them; therefore they have GOOD common sense

I bet that wise man over there can help steer you in the right direction!

👍123 👎19