Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WILE?

To be experience wilin' or be the process of wilin' out. Behaving contrary to the situation around you, preferably while on LSD or other mind altering substances.

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"Cmon man, just let her wile!"

"Bro, we were on a mad wile shit was cray!"

"It was just... a wile."

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WILE - what is it?

An adjective or pro-noun used to describe a tool who manages to act like an enormous puss puss at the same time. Can also be used as a verb, or purely for emphasis of the tool-ish nature of the person.

Mateeeee, you're really wiles-ing it up at the moment.
Chins wiles.
That lad is such a wiles, he can jog right on.

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What does "WILE" mean?

The most amazing and brilliant, albeit slightly neurotic poet. A true champion of soccer and hearts. A novice in mastication but a genius of the mind.

Ex. "When you're feeling sick,
And there's nothing you can do;
A boyfriend you will find,
Who will always care for you.
I would say "get well soon",
But it wouldn't be enough.

Cause you mean a lot to me,
More than you can snot!"

My boyfriend is Wiles.

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WILE - what does it mean?

to act afool

Edward felt the need to wile-out after consuming to much gin & juice

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WILE - meaning

Of or relating to the coolest, most happenin' dude on the internet.

Man, I was with this girl the other night and I pulled a Wiles on her and she totally gave me a BJ!

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WILE - definition

Hardcore, maximally extreme

That was wiling, bro!

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WILE - slang

To misbehave in a very energetic and uncontrolled manner.

The crystal methamphetamine and shots of tequila caused Earnie to wile in the parking lot, running from car to car maniacally smashing windows.

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to be partying hard

Wiling out.

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Often used in connection to enthusiastically dancing or partying to hip hop music; having an extremely good time in a party setting. Usually used in conjunction with the preposition "out," ie. "wiling out."
Possible origins: The term "wiles," used to describe an alluring or seductive manner.
"Winding," used in island culture and music to describe a type of dancing often performed to reggae music, may also be at the root of "wiling out."

"We were drinking Bacardi, grinding with these fine ladies to some MVP, taking shots from the ice luge on the beach... we were wiling out, man!"

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Sometimes used instead of "very" in parts of Donegal and Northern Ireland. Can also mean "terrible". Usually has a negative connotation. May come from the word "wild".

"It's wile cold outside today."
"He stole a car? That's wile."

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