Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WCMS?

wcm stands for wanna call me

hey Jack wcm?

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WCMS - meme gif

WCMS meme gif

WCMS - video


WCMS - what is it?

People tend to use this on social media, like Instagram, Twitter & Facebook. " WCW" means "Women Crush Wednesday"

OMG did you see that picture of my #wcm on snapchat she looked nice.

👍171 👎147

What does "WCMS" mean?

Wah-Chu-Mean, a playful alternative to "What you mean?", commonly used by close Asian friends in South Philadelphia.

Andy: I don't have enough room in my car so Anthony, you are going to have to lap up..
Anthony: Wah-chu-meeeaaaaannnnnnn............ (wcm)

👍49 👎19

WCMS - what does it mean?

Woman crush monday

Today is wcm and i like this one girl.

👍75 👎23

WCMS - meaning

Wanna Cock Meat Sandwich,
as in another phrase to ask someone to give you head

Sean-"This Friday, do you WCMS?"
Abbey-"Mmmmmhhhmmmmmmmm :)"

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WCMS - definition

West Clermont Middle School. A school of skanks and thots. Hoes wander the halls and f boys horny as hell try to f them all. This school is trash with rats,leaks,pedohile teachers and people f in the bathroom and vape like its cool. Nicotine nasty and people smoke too in the bathroom. You get yelled at for calling a female that identifies as a male a female. Im a student and this school is just terrible.

Boy 1: dude you see that girl over there? I would smash
Boy 2: I would too if she didn't go to WCMS. Everyone there is thots

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