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What is Vybz?

the most lyrically gifted dancehall artiste in jamaica. has created many tunes and bedazzles listeners with clever wordplay and explicit lyrics.

vybz katel " A-B-C-D wE efF she, i doh care just lemme get yuh P, U-N-A-N-Y, Doh ask why sen on the V-A-G-I-N ....A B-C-D we eFF shee...."

"ABC sex"-vybz kartel

👍655 👎219

Vybz - meme gif

Vybz meme gif

Vybz - video


Vybz - what is it?

Vibes, but cooler.

Yo, I'm havin some crazy vybz yo!

👍37 👎13