Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vallee?

Has very large penis always is down to get high and have sex, everybody needs a Jordan Valle in there life.

Jordan Vallee a most honourable person.

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Vallee - meme gif

Vallee meme gif

Vallee - video


Vallee - what is it?

Is a fold in your nutsack.

Hold on while I scratch my vallee.

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What does "Vallee" mean?

A beautiful girl who gets whatever she want at any cost, now her love Life is amazing as she gets all the guys (or woman). She can be a bit overdramatic and u better pray if u get on her bad side but she also has and kind and loyal heart with her eyes being outstanding when you look at her. Her man is so lucky and will never do her wrong. She’s prefect!

Girl: wow Vallee is so pretty! I’m jealous.

Boy: damnnn Vallee is hot as.

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