Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Umaru?

A shape shifting monster of an otaku who transforms from normal human form in public to chibi form at home. She's lazy, uses her older brother Taihei as her big fat ugly bitch, and makes you want to strangle her. Her favourite foods are cola, potato chips, and bamboo chutes.

Taihei would want Frank Murphy from F is for Family to put his little sister Umaru Doma through that fucking wall.

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Umaru - meme gif

Umaru meme gif

Umaru - video


Umaru - what is it?

My love,the person i'll probably never leave. I love him so much I hope he tells me his problem even though it looks like I dont listen,I do. So if you have a Umaru, dont let him go.As long as it's not my Umaru<3

"Umaru is such an ideal boyfriend I'm afraid someone keeps on confessing to him"

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What does "Umaru" mean?

(noun) a time when you're playing a game, and you should be dead, but you aren't dead.
(Adjective) A bullet from a sniper that shouldn't have hit an enemy, but did.

I.e. "I'm pulling off an umaru right now"
I.e. "That shot was an umaru,you should be dead!"

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Umaru - what does it mean?

Umaru Doma (εœŸι–“γ†γΎγ‚‹) is a beautiful anime girl from the series himouto! umaru chan. (干物妹!うまるけゃん ) She is also best waifu.

She doesn't actually shrink. It's an artistic depiction of her different personalities.

Hey dipshit, Umaru is best waifu!

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Umaru - meaning

(noun) a time when you're playing a game, and you should be dead, but you aren't dead.
(Adjective) A bullet from a sniper that shouldn't have hit an enemy, but did.

I.e. "I'm pulling off an umaru right now"
I.e. "That shot was an umaru, you should be dead!"

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Umaru - definition

An Umaru is a wonderful and amazing person in public with attributes such as intelligence, social skills, and beauty, but when alone, they are a piece of shit. When alone, they will transform into decrepit creatures standing at about 2"8. They are lazy AF and only consume cola and potato chips. Their hobbies include: playing video games, bugging their older sibling, and consuming shit.

Me: What do you do at home?
Really nice friend: I love to eat junk food while playing video games and bugging my older brother.
Me: You are such an Umaru.

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