Definder - what does the word mean?

What is UT3?

UT3 is a combination of symbols representing male genitals. T represents the tip, 3 represents the balls, U represents the dick itself. First you would draw U, then you would draw T inside U, and at the end you would draw flipped 3 on top.

Second meaning is, Unreal Tournament 3 (a video game), though, they usually get confused, especially between those, who doesn't know the game.

Peter! Stop drawing ut3s all over my notebook, for f*ck sake!

I'm gonna go play some UT3...

👍29 👎13

UT3 - meme gif

UT3 meme gif

UT3 - video

UT3 - what is it?

Unreal Tournament III or UT3 is a first-person shooter video game and the next installment of the Unreal series. UT3 is the sequel to Unreal Tournament 2004 and the original Unreal Tournament. The game is developed by Epic Games and will be published by Midway Games. It will be released on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, with an Xbox 360 version coming a few months later.

Unreal Tournament III will be primarily an online multiplayer first person shooter game offering several game modes, including large-scale Warfare, Capture-the-Flag, and Deathmatch. UT3 is also expected to include an extensive offline single-player game with an in-depth story.

Forget Halo2, lets play the next UT3!!

👍97 👎21