Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tymek's?

Tymek is a handsome young lad that makes everyone happy around him. He's athletic and cares for his friends. He never lets best friends go. Tymek typically has long hair and he has the most dazzling eyes. This name originates mainly from Poland or eastern european countries.

Example: Tymek went on holiday to France.

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Tymek's - meme gif

Tymek's meme gif

Tymek's - video


Tymek's - what is it?

A sexy young lad shambolic at rugby and is rocking fake Eritrean AirPods furthermore he's everyday yamming hypervenoms.

EXAMPLE: Japhet started eating Tymek's ear drum he must've said it was a national dish

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What does "Tymek's" mean?

Tymek is a loving caring emo... he is loved by family and friends, he doesn't care for himself but he does care for others


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Tymek's - what does it mean?

A Polish Name... For a nigga with a big dick.

Tymek is a nikka with a big dick

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