Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tubefag?

An individual on youtube who purposely attacks a video in order to get attention from it's fans and those subscribed to the channel in which the content was uploaded from. In many cases, this starts a a long list of replies, here by caused from the OP's "Troll Bait"

"lol Pewdiepie is an idiot, he fakes all his subscribers and he's a huge retard"

"Great, another tubefag, try getting attention from your mother more"

👍25 👎11

Tubefag - video


Tubefag - what is it?

Someone who flames and insults others on YouTube or Hulu for no reason whatsoever.

Did you see the hatemail herpderp60 sent me?
Yeah, He's such a TubeFag

👍29 👎15