Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Troll Mode?

When someone is always looking for a mate regardless of marital status

Dude 1: Wow! Look at the booty on that one!!!
Dude 2: Yeah! But I thought you are in a relationship?!?
Dude 1: Yeah, but I'm in perpetual trolling mode

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Troll Mode - video


Troll Mode - what is it?

Troll Mode refers to a setting in online chat rooms where the room moderator can pre-eliminate anyone who would try to type negative comments to deter from the chat topic. If Troll Mode is active, then users who are not regulars and try to type sexist, racist, or otherwise negative comments will automatically be timed out or have those comments removed immediately. Although some comments may be meant as a joke of sorts (like a prank) it actually distracts chatters and viewers of live streaming experiences. Troll Mode may help live broadcasters and chat room moderators purge those derpy or just plain stupid comments before they can actually add such to the room.

"After the first silly comment was seen, the chat room moderator turned on Troll Mode to prevent any more negative or off-topic comments from being added by those who are not regulars to the room."

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