Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Trick Fucking?

Fixing something with duct tape or safety pins, or hitting it with a hammer. Usually involves lack of proper tools.

The bumper on my car was loose so I Trick Fucked it.

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Trick Fucking - video


Trick Fucking - what is it?

v. To jury rig something, esp. related to computers, using unconventional means or tools. Can be temporary or permanent, depending on the quality of said trick-fuck and competence of the trick-fucker.

Dave was able to trick-fuck the network into working using a pair of pliers and an old Windows 98 workstation.

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What does "Trick Fucking" mean?

A phrase invented by comedian Raynard Jones in 1992

To trick someone into doing something they normally wouldn't, and possibly cheat them in the process.

Usually when you get trick-fucked, you thought you were getting the better end of the deal at the time!

Like when you thought you got a great deal at the used car lot, but it turns out that he sold you a lemon, and he knew it all along. He trick-fucked you!

You can even trick-fuck yourself! - see example

You: OMG - I just bricked my new cell phone trying to root it!

Me: Dude! you just managed to trick-fuck yourself! LOL


Some damn Nigerian trick fucked my mom out of $10,000 before I knew anything about it!

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Trick Fucking - what does it mean?

sex whereby a woman, on purpose, gets pregnant in order to secure child support. Often this woman is nearing the end of her child-bearing years and the resulting child is the main reason for the sex, rather than the child support.

Susan, age 42, trick fucked Danny so she could satisfy her maternal instincts and make a few dollars.

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Trick Fucking - meaning

To fuck a female in an acrobatic manner without regard to your physical safety or well-being. The art of being extremely creative outside the norm for usual sexual positions. The polar opposite of love making. Eye contact and conversation is discouraged during and after the act unless said contact involves highly congratulatory praise of the male. Example positions include, but are not limited to: "The Jackhammer"; "The Sideways Scramble"; "The Paul Bunyan" or "The Reverse Plank."

Man, that bitch had never seen trick fucking like that before. I had her put her legs behind her head, feet to the pillows upside down and laid the dick down like a Jackhammer.

My old lady tried to kiss me and gaze deep into my eyes during sex. I flipped the script, trick fucked her and now she's making my breakfast...quietly.

There's not enough ice in the North Pole to cool the damage my trick fucking did to her vagina.

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Trick Fucking - definition

Used whenever you get fucked over or tricked into doing something you dont want to do. Can also be used as "TF"

He said he was going to come over last night but never did....what a Trick Fuck!

Pee Paw ran out on the bill at dinner and totally TF'ed me into paying!

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Trick Fucking - slang

To be led the wrong direction, generally.
Whit Danger Pioneered the word to idealize the concept of being waved at from the left and slapped from the right. Often applied to relationships and salespersons

What a trick-fuck! My girlfriend paid a hooker to blow me in the bathroom so she could break up with me guilt free, Ive been trick-fucked.

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Trick Fucking

v. trick fuck

To victimize, betray, cheat, or take advantage of by deceptive, manipulative, or fraudulent means.

First heard in Mid-Michigan Spring 2001

Damn, your sister just trick fucked me into going on a date with her ugly friend.

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Trick Fucking

An innovative and usually devious way to do an end-around, back door deal, or scheme, usually related to circumventing bureaucracy and red tape

Last week we had a problem with Alfred on that due diligence document approval, but I trick fucked the approval process so we could by pass him and still buy the note.

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Trick Fucking

To con someone into to doing a task or job no-one else would want to do.
2.To knowingly trick or bamboozle someone into to doing something they will pay consequence for.

He trick fucked me into taking his duty.,

I was trick fucked into this position, I was told it would be great.

First used exclusively by us navy sailors in mid to late 1990s.

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